

It's time for representatives to represent all Minnesotans, and not just focused special interest groups. 

Spending and Taxes

In the last session, the Democrat controlled House pushed through a package to spend an entire surplus of over $17 billion dollars.  They then went to work on the budget, increasing it by 40%.  This is unsustainable and reckless.

When I am in office I will work to:

  • Cap property tax increases
  • Reduce and eventually eliminate property taxes for primary residences
  • Eliminate state taxes on tips
  • Focus funding on essential government services
  • Reduce and eliminate redundant government agencies
  • Re-examine and reduce government regulations

Public Safety

I believe people only prosper when they live in a safe environment. My public safety agenda items are

  • Protect and indemnify law enforcement personnel from honest actions while performing their duties
  • Up-fund, not de-fund, the police
  • Ensure that citizens are able to defend themselves without fear of prosecution
  • Protect our children from predators

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